- Biodome
The dependency of life on naturally grown food cannot be overlooked. Due to climate change and naturally hostile conditions at most place, the growth of food is either limited or completely absent. To grow food at naturally unsuitable areas and have a greater yield per area; biodome were developed. Canada is considered the pioneer in developing biodome with its first biodome in Surrey. A biodome is a closed ecosystem which has same conditions as a natural outdoor ecosystem to grow food. Temperature, light, water and other nutrients are controlled artificially to have a greater yield. It can be either built with glass or any metal and often has a lifespan of 50 years or even more. Today, most of biodomes are built from a thermoplastic material Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE). ETFE is tremendously robust and may endure the misadventures while being steady. This substance 0.2 per cent the mass of the glass. It is more flexible and can be constructed with greater height. Due to the dome’s lightweight material, it may be constructed on top of structures in urban areas.
- Hydrostor solar energy storage system
Hydrostor is a Canada based enterprise and is a front-runner in advanced compressed air storage (A-CAES), which is a technology especially suitable to permit the transition to a cleaner and more dependable power grid. A-CAES delivers network facilities which cannot be easily copied by various storage technologies, providing them unique market opportunity. It compliantly meets the needs of the wholesale electricity system for distribution capacity, renewable incorporation and upgrading, transport delay and auxiliary services, and it is considered perfect for usage in remote applications for mining and big manufacturing processes.
- Solar Ship
Solar Ship is a Toronto based company striving to manufacture a hybrid cargo airplane which can deliver sensitive cargo to distant places. The design of Solar Ship suggests that it would obtain lift from both aerodynamic and buoyant air consuming power from solar panels fitted on its surface. This concept is free from the evil of fossil fuels and promises a clean and cheap alternative to fossil fuel run aircrafts in future. Its wings are designed in a way to allow the plane to have very short take-off and landing. The first test flight was carried on August 29, 2014 but unfortunately it wasn’t success due to technical difficulties occurred during flight. More research and resources were put into this project and hopefully; desirable results would come in near future.